
ASLA Joins STEM Education Coalition in Delivering STEM Education Policy Recommendations to Biden-Harris Administration

ASLA joined its partners in the STEM Education Coalition in delivering the recommendations.


andscape architecture is inherently a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) discipline. The principles of STEM constitute the foundation of the landscape architecture profession. Through stewardship of the natural and built environments, landscape architects routinely apply their STEM education and training to plan and design vital infrastructure projects, rights-of-way, campuses and other significant private and public site developments—all places where millions of people live, work, and play.

In 2018, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) joined the STEM Education Coalition, a member coalition of more than 800 education, business, and professional organizations.

The STEM Education Coalition’s mission is to raise awareness amongst policymakers at every level about the critical role that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education plays in enabling the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the global marketplace of the 21st century.

On Friday, December 4, Coalition members aligned their respective interests to advance a series of goals to the Biden-Harris administration that address key components of the Build Back Better strategy, including:

  • Addressing the "enormous gaps in educational attainment and equity that have become visible and been exacerbated by our response to COVID and its impacts on the education system, especially for our youngest and most at-risk students."
  • "Reopening our schools safely must be a priority to get the country back on its feet and headed towards a future where every child will have a chance to learn the skills they need to succeed in the modern world – which are overwhelmingly in the STEM fields." 
  • Excellence in STEM should be "embraced as a bedrock element in conquering the challenges of today and tomorrow, including improving health, competing for the best jobs of the future, modernizing our infrastructure, protecting our environment, and fostering equity for those who have been underserved by our systems."

Read the full set of recommendations.


Media inquiries

Landscape Architecture Magazine

Jennifer Reut 

The Dirt
Jared Green

The Field
Ali Hay  

